
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

About the Garrett's

I thought it would be nice to start this blog with sharing some about our family.

Aaron is a computer scientist who teaches at a small university. From our nearly 8 years of marriage, it appears that he enjoys playing video games and reading in his spare time. His most current reading addiction is social psychology.

Ian is my oldest. He will turn three in a couple of weeks. He is totally obsessed with Thomas the Train. He spends hours at his newly acquired Thomas the Train table. There he role-plays different scenes stored in his little creative mind.

Zoe Lin (aka Zoebird) is 2 months old and is just coming into her own little personality. Her most favorite game is verbal volley. She likes looking around and hates being on her stomach.

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