
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Considerations for 2011

Let me start by saying, I am not a writer. Garrett (my husband) is unsure why I would want the task of blogging. I told him that since I got rid of my Facebook account, I want some way to share my ideas. He insinuated that no one will read it. I have come to terms with that. I am doing a lot of reading lately. Since having Zoe, I have reduced my client load and hired one new counselor. I have loved having more time to be home with Ian and Zoebird. Between loads of clothes, sessions and cleaning baseboards, I try and find a few moments for myself. I have started reading on being frugal and reducing consumerism. My most recent read is by Judith Levine titled "Not Buying it -My Year Without Shopping". The author spent an entire year (during the George W's rein of terror) not making any purchases. I would have preferred more of a "how to" guide or a "Top 10" list to inspire me in my own adventure. However, what I did come away with is a small desire to do a few things differently. Things I am considering for the new year:

1) Reducing how much we eat out
2) Reducing consumerism and waste by purchasing clothing and household items secondhand
3) Reduce food waste
5)Increasing the amount of free entertainment

Plan of attack coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are blogging! I follow several friends' blogs, and it is an excellent way to stay in touch in our busy world. I hope to begin a family blog once we are a little more settled. Thank you for the added inspiration.
