
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Monday, January 3, 2011

vegetarian lasagna in the crock-pot

I utilized the crock-pot for tonight's dinner. I started it this morning before I headed out the door. I thought it was good. Aaron said that it was “actually good” but he didn't get seconds. It was vegetarian style. The recipe calls for spinach. I also added squash and zucchini. There was plenty left. I am sending some to David for his lunch tomorrow and Sheila went home with an extra serving. I think it is worth trying, especially if you want something more healthy than the typical lasagna.

You can get the recipe over at A Year of Slow Cooking.


  1. do you realize that you did not leave a link for where you can find the recipe???

  2. I think it is fixed now Gene. I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working... then I realized there was no need to put the cite in quotes. Still trying to figure out this program. Let me know if this doesn't work.
